Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 1

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Today I learnt about the Manaiakalani philosophy in practice for the first time. There are so many tips and tricks that google apps provide and taking the time to get to know them will definitely make my life easier both professionally and personally! I have realised that in order to integrate technology effectively into my classroom, I need to teach my students to set up documents so that it makes the lesson flow more smoothly and sets the expectation to keep their work organised (just like setting up an exercise book with lines). It was nice to hear about the origins of Manaiakalani as it gives it more purpose and importance for me being a 'newbie' to this way of teaching and learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I have learnt to use google keep! I can't wait to give this a try and set it up for to do lists for school, pin useful educational websites for class, and generally organise school life with reminders! I am a lot more confident in using google docs but I realise there is so much more to learn with this app. I feel I'm ready to enable my students to use docs and integrate it into their learning programme with structure. Creating infographics for others to interpret information will be handy for presenting information to fellow staff members! I am keen to make one Book Week which is coming up for the use of staff and students to see what is happening each day for this event.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
Group story is a fantastic idea to use for writing in particular. It will be engaging and it integrates the skill of sharing a document with others. Also the use of voice typing will be excellent with my reluctant writers. I will be trying it this week! I need to make sure I have folders set up in drive to share with my students to make access easier for them.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Google Keep! I am going to use this for my shopping list and make sure I share it with family members so whoever is at the shops won't forget anything!


  1. Hi Dani, thanks for sharing. I've never used Group Story before... so I will have to go and check it out now. Always looking for new digital tools to try out with my learners!

  2. Hi Dani, I love your infographic. Catches the eye, informative, 'clean' look to it, easy to understand. Will you do more of this to represent data, or will you get your learners working in this way?
    I am pleased that the elements of the first day were useful for you and gave you ideas for your classroom and personal life. Thanks for joining us and for connecting with the Manaiakalani story.
    See you soon

  3. Nice Blog set up Dani, I like it!
