Monday, 20 August 2018

Connected Learners Share Workshop

Activity 1 - Blogging! Has It made a difference?

What is the new strategy?

After reading Simon Scott's blog post, I have gained new insight into how blogging can really motivate, engage and support student learning in writing. He has experienced great success in terms of students motivation, thoughtfulness and raising student's punctuation levels in writing (eliminating the need for a worksheet).
I have gained a lot of ideas for how to scaffold my students to' make meaningful comments on their peer's blogs. I like how basic his 3 step blog commenting prompt is and I can see this working in my year 2/3 class.Check out his Blog Commenting Prompt below:

What are you thinking about trialling in your learning space?

For a start I need to set blogger up on my students iPads as they are currently using Seesaw which is quite limited in regards to making learning visible with the world - as only parents have access. I need to focus on scaffolding students to make quality blog posts and highlight the fact that these will be open to the world. I's love to find or develop a '3 Step Quality Blog Post' model to guide my students so they have something to refer to when struggling to make a blog post. If anyone out there is reading this and has something similar to the commenting prompt above but for making blog posts I'd love it if you could share it!

What new learning, resources or support could your Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator provide?

I would definitely love some more support with setting up blogger on the iPads, making quality blog posts and having a go at commenting on each others blogs. My students love to share on Seesaw so I know they will be excited with the prospect of broadening their audience.

Activity 2 - The Acceleration of Sharing

How has sharing changed in your lifetime?

Sharing has changed hugely over the my lifetime. I was born in 1990 (wow!). Checkout the timeline below:

In your role in your learning area how has the increased sharing opportunities enhanced your teaching practise?

I feel like the amount of content online has revolutionised teaching! I can't imagine a world without the internet and I can't imagine what it would have been like not having content and knowledge at my fingertips. I have to admit sharing my professional reflections has been a tricky aspect to get my head around but I am slowly gaining confidence in this area (especially with the the expectation of my students sharing their learning and knowledge with the world).

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