Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Week 2

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Today I learnt that the 'Learn' part of Manaiakalani is about effective pedagogy in a digital learning environment. I liked the analogy of giving a student a device without a proper framework and pedagogy to guide them, is like giving a child a car. They need to be scaffolded to use these tools to support their learning otherwise it will be a waste of time and could end in a complete disaster. 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Today I learnt how to organise my tabs! I am the queen of having so many tabs open that I can only see the icons. I had no idea that the extensions Onetab and Toby even existed and now I am keen to see what other extensions are out there to keep things organised. 

I am also confident in using Google Hangouts now and have planned to 'Hangout' with a few of my Mindlab buddies tonight since our classes are no longer face to face. Using google calendar to send invitations to 'hangout' is so easy!

Organising my school gmail has been awesome! I have changed the way my gmail is set up and can find priority emails. The promotional emails (which are mainly junk) are now separated into their own category. My gmail at the last school I taught at was set up like that already so I'm glad I know how to adjust different features myself now. 

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

Since I am one to one iPads in a junior class I feel a little out of depth as they are so different. At this stage I would use my MacBook and connect it to the Apple TV to use 'hangouts.'

I am keen to learn about the Explain Everything app and am hoping for more of a connection to iPads to be made with the content we are learning.  

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Organising my gmail will definitely help with finding emails. I have created a few labels so it is easy to find different online bills and other personal things as before today everything was a bit of a shambles and I struggled to find anything I needed. 

I also recorded a google hangout between myself and a few course mates using QuickTime. It's shows us learning as we go so excuse the floundering we do!

I have a personal goal this week to comment on a few blogs so feel free to comment on mine :-)

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